Here are a few links to some of my favorite websites (in no particular order).
NavList - An amazing site with an expert community and a vast archive of knowledge about anything related to traditional position finding methods.
Cruisers Forum - A forum for cruisers, sailors and anyone who likes boats and everything about them.
Stellarium - An awesome free astronomy program.
Navigational Algorithms - One of the best navigation programs I have used. Works well with OpenCPN.
Teacup Navigation - A site offering a free celnav program for Windows and a free e-book.
Reed Navigation - Many useful tools here. And the owner, Frank Reed, offers online classes on modern and historical celestial navigation.
Celestaire - Supplier of sextants and navigation equipment. I get most of my tools here.
Landfall Navigation - Another great supplier of navigation and safety equipment.
NOAA Chart Locator - Download free nautical charts of the U.S.
Maritime Safety Information - Many great celnav publications are available for free here.
United States Naval Observatory (USNO) - Excellent source for almanac data and more. *** Celestial Navigation Data Is Back Online!!! ***
His Majesty’s Nautical Almanac Office - U.K. Hydrographic Office. Co-publishers of the Nautical Almanac, along with the USNO.
NavSoft - Makers of AstroNav: an amazing program which generates daily almanac pages and much, much more.
OpenCPN - An outstanding free chart plotting program.
John F. Hughes - The author of the original Postscript plotting sheets that inspired me to learn Postscript.
Freddie Noonan - Without a doubt, the best and most comprehensive website devoted to the mystery of the last flight of Amelia Earhart and her navigator, Fred Noonan.
Government Printing Office (GPO) - Bookstore of the U.S. Government. You can purchase the Nautical Almanac here, among many other fascinating titles.
SIMBAD Astronomical Database - A fantastic free service for astronomy information.
IERS - International Earth Rotation and Reference Systems Service. The website for information on topics such as nutation, delta-T, etc.
NIST Time - The National Institute of Standards and Technology time page.
Global Wind/Water Map - A really nice visualization of global wind and water currents, temperatures and more.
Subsim Radio Room - A forum for submarine simulations.
Steel Beasts - A forum for the best armored combat simulator on the market today.
FlightSim - A forum for flight simulators. (Is it obvious that I like simulators yet?)